Lisa Young

Lisa Young


  • Email:
  • Phone: 734.764.3337
  • Office: 101 West Hall, 1085. S. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107
  • Ph.D. 1996, University of Arizona
  • Website

Research Interests


  • Arid-land farming
  • Household and community organization
  • Mobility and storage
  • Public archaeology
  • Museum anthropology, especially community engagement


  • Southwestern North America

Research Projects

Research Description

Community is a central organizing theme of my research. My fieldwork focuses on the Homol'ovi area of northeastern Arizona, where I examine variation in the organization of farming communities in arid environments and the role of archaeology in contemporary communities.

Archaeological research on communities in the American Southwest has largely focused on easily identifiable residential communities, such as large aggregated pueblos. Less is known about communities in less nucleated settlements. My research examines the origins and development of small-scale farming communities in the Southwest during the 1st millennium AD and questions about diversity in communities that used different types of vernacular architecture during the 12th and early 13th centuries.

The Southwest is an ideal place to explore my interests in the interplay between archaeology and present-day communities. As part of collaborative teams working at the Homolovi State Park, I have developed a variety of innovative ways to share archaeological research with the public, including a podcast, a field blog, and exhibits.